When Prince Andrew's Close Friend Ghislaine Maxwell Boasted About Making Princess Diana Cry

When Prince Andrew's Close Friend Ghislaine Maxwell Boasted About Making Princess Diana Cry
Cover Image Source: Getty Images| Photo by Anwar Hussein; (inset L) Photo by Laura Cavanaugh; (inset R) Photo by Karwai Tang

Ghislaine Maxwell, the convicted sex trafficker, and Jeffrey Epstein's romantic partner first met Princess Diana at the premiere of Indiana Jones & the Temple of Doom in 1984. But as an Epstein victim has claimed, the discredited socialite, who was also close to Prince Andrew, 'hated' the Princess of Wales; they were never intended to be friends. As per The US Sun, according to Maria Farmer, who was sexually molested in the 1990s by both Epstein and Maxwell, said: “Ghislaine’s like, 'Look, there we made her (Diana) cry, isn’t that funny? We hated Diana." “That’s what she said. I was like, ‘Oh my god, that’s horrible’. They were very mean to her, like abusive, but they thought it was really funny. Very, very sick.”



The royal socialite is alleged to have braggingly mentioned her bullying tactics while flipping through photos of herself with the royal family. She additionally mentioned that Diana was her favorite target. In 2021 Maxwell was convicted of assisting her late lover in arranging for the sexual assault of minors. As per ABC News, In March 2024 Maxwell requested that a federal appeals court reverse her conviction and 20-year jail term for enlisting and preparing the young girls that Epstein molested. She claimed that her immunity came from a 2007 agreement that federal prosecutors in Florida had made with her former late partner.



"The plea agreement applies to preclude this prosecution," defense attorney Diana Fabi Samson stated to a three-judge panel of the 2nd U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals. "Denying the viability of this plea agreement strikes a dagger in the heart of the trust between the government and its citizens regarding plea agreements." During the trial, Maxwell brought up the same point and requested a hearing to determine the intentions of the Florida prosecutors. The trial judge disregarded that, declaring that the agreement did not apply to prosecutors in New York.

Image Source: Getty Images| (L) Photo by Lawrence Schwartzwald; (R) Photo by Tim Graham Photo Library
Image Source: Getty Images| (L) Photo by Lawrence Schwartzwald; (R) Photo by Tim Graham Photo Library


"The central promise in the non-prosecution agreement is a promise by the Southern District of Florida not to prosecute Epstein in that district," Assistant U.S. Attorney Andrew Rohrbach said. "This is a document entered into by the US Attorney's office for the Southern District of Florida intended to bind the Southern District of Florida and that district alone." Attorneys for Maxwell contended in her filed appeal that she was used as a "proxy" for Epstein, who committed suicide in jail while awaiting prosecution, in order to "satisfy public outrage" over his actions. Additionally, they contended that one juror's omission to reveal his personal history of sexual abuse during jury selection contributed to Maxwell's denial of a fair trial.



"It took far too many years for the Epstein survivors to get some small piece of deserved justice with Ghislaine Maxwell's conviction and prison sentencing," Sigrid McCawley, attorney for Annie Farmer, who testified against the socialite at her criminal trial in 2021. "Nothing in Maxwell's appellate argument today changes the fact that she does not get a free pass and her conviction should be upheld. Survivors deserve nothing less," McCawley added.

This article originally appeared on 5.25.24

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