When Princess Diana Left Her Royal SIL ‘In Tears’ Over Harsh Comment and Turbulent Relationship

When Princess Diana Left Her Royal SIL ‘In Tears’ Over Harsh Comment and Turbulent Relationship
Cover Image Source: Getty Images | Photo by Anwar Hussein

Experts in royal family dynamics confirmed that Princess Diana's relationship with Sophie Helen Rhys-Jones, the Duchess of Edinburgh and her sister-in-law, was problematic all during her time in the royal family. The Duchess was allegedly 'left in tears at Diana’s comments and actions,' as per the Daily Express UK. While Diana was a naïve 20-year-old when she became a member of the British royal family, Sophie was a seasoned public relations professional in her 30s. Some may have been happy to have a kind sister-in-law to share the royal duties with, but rumors existed that Diana despised Sophie and couldn't stand her. 


The most serious problem probably originated from the constant barrage of superficial comparisons between the two. Indeed, they looked quite similar, but that was mostly because they both had the hair and cosmetics styles that were fashionable at the time. The fact that they shared a lot of similar style choices seemed to irritate Diana, who felt that Sophie was 'mimicking' her image.

Image Source: Getty Images | Photo by Indigo
Image Source: Getty Images | Photo by Indigo

The assertions were bolstered by royal journalist Judy Wade, who told the Daily Express that Diana often said, "Oh look, here comes my double," and suggested that Sophie 'ought to get her own look.' The expert further elaborated, "She chose red dresses that were almost identical to things that Diana wore. She seemed to be copying Diana, and Diana was sort of partly amused and partly irritated by it." Andrew Morton's book Diana: In Search of Love bolstered the notions of a split between the two. Morton said that Diana's contempt for Sophie was so great that she once had Sophie cry and run out from a family meal because Diana was 'staring intensely at her.'


As reported by The Daily Mail, Sophie, who was born four years after Diana, griped in an interview about being compared to the then-Princess of Wales since she was fifteen years old. Sophie said, "I don't deny that we do look alike but I couldn't ever compete with Diana's image. I'm not Diana." Regardless, Sophie's sister-in-law was dubbed 'Di-identical' by The Los Angeles Times.


In addition, the strained relationship between the two went beyond cruel remarks about outward looks. Diana allegedly felt jealous of Sophie's 'easy ride' into the royal family. In 1999, The New York Post reported that Diana apparently made derogatory comments about Sophie, calling her 'little miss goody two shoes,' and questioned Sarah Ferguson, another member of the royal family, about why Sophie was receiving such favorable treatment. As per the outlet, Diana asked Ferguson, "Why is she getting such an easy ride? We were thrown to the wolves."


Furthermore, Diana was furious about everything, including Sophie's exercise program. Since Sophie, like Diana, faced royal security issues, it is not surprising that she chose the same gym. However, it bothered the Princess and she apparently took it as another attempt at copying. As per another report by the Daily Express, Wade threw some light on it and stated, "She’s done too many things that I know used to irritate Diana...She even went to lose weight and keep fit at the Chelsea Harbour Club, which was Diana's famous fitness center."

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