When Princess Diana Made a Heartbreaking Confession About 'a Lot of Jealousy' Harbored by Prince Charles

When Princess Diana Made a Heartbreaking Confession About 'a Lot of Jealousy' Harbored by Prince Charles
Cover Image Source: Getty Images | Photo by Tim Graham Photo Library

Princess Diana and King Charles III (yesteryear Prince of Wales) have had a very tumultuous relationship. The royal couple was loved by many however, a few years down the line the differences between the two were evident during their public appearances. In a now-removed controversial 1995 interview with BBC, the Princess of Wales admitted how her stardom in their joint visit to Australia dampened Charles' spirit. 

Image Source: Getty Images | Photo by Anwar Hussein
Image Source: Getty Images | Photo by Anwar Hussein

Confessing that her husband was jealous of the love that she received from the Aussies she said, "We'd be going round Australia, for instance, and all you could hear was, ‘Oh, she's on the other side.’ Now, if you're a man—like my husband—a proud man, you mind about that if you hear it every day for four weeks. You feel low about it, instead of feeling happy and sharing it." Adding on to it the Princess candidly expressed, "With the media attention came a lot of jealousy. A great deal of complicated situations arose because of that," as reported by Marie Claire. The month-long royal tour in Australia ended with the peak of Diana making headlines and almost overshadowing her husband. 

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According to Vogue, the headlines of major national dailies read, "Prince plays the gallant at royal party," and "Di Thrills the Queen!" Nailing the role of a royal, the young Princess was all over the newspapers and channels. From her graceful dance at the Sheraton Wentworth Hotel in a turquoise dress, to her iconic fashion statement, Princess Di seemed to have cracked the code of enchanting everyone around her with her demeanor.


Their infamous Uluru trek was among the first setbacks that the royal pair faced. As they walked across the desert, Diana stopped after hesitating for long and told him that she wouldn't be able to make it further. The reasons remain unknown, some say it was due to the heat others speculate it was the outfit of the day that wasn't fit for a physically strenuous walk. The British crown was initially worried about the Princess and her visit to Australia which would require her to make almost eight appearances in a day. The 21-year-old Princess made it a case that the royalty didn't regret their decision. It was her first international trip as a royal member while Prince Charles has been doing such outings since his childhood.


The 1983 tour held strategic significance as well as it overlapped with the then motion within Australia to leave the British Commonwealth. The island country was colonized by the British monarchy calling it the unclaimed land with a meager population. Princess Diana who was often clicked with her eyes and head bowed down, given the heat of the sun fought the jet lagging and tiredness to ensure the relationship between the two countries and their shared history continues to live for a better future. 

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