Why Many Think Donald Trump Seemingly Wanted Marla Maples to Abort Their Daughter Tiffany

Why Many Think Donald Trump Seemingly Wanted Marla Maples to Abort Their Daughter Tiffany
Cover Image Source: Getty Images | Photo by Catherine McGann

It appears as though Donald Trump may have once considered abortion for his daughter Tiffany Trump, if reports are to be believed. Given Trump's strong anti-abortion position, many people were surprised when this news was circulated. This controversy originated from a 2004 interview with Howard Stern. During this candid chat, Trump opened up about how he reacted when he found out his then-girlfriend Marla Maples was pregnant with Tiffany, as per Newsweek.


In the same conversation with Stern, Donald expressed his gladness over Tiffany's birth. "Honestly I'm glad it happened. I have a great little daughter, Tiffany," he said. However, then he added a revealing statement, "But, you know at the time it was like, 'Excuse me, what happened?' And then I said, 'Well what are we going to do about this?'" These words prompted heated controversy. Chuck Jones, their former publicist, claimed Donald didn't want Maples to become pregnant. Maples disagreed, referring to it as an unexpected but pleasant surprise.

Cover Image Source: Getty Images | Photo by Chip Somodevilla
Image Source: Getty Images | Photo by Chip Somodevilla

Many took Donald comment—"What are we going to do about this?"—as a veiled reference to abortion. It's worth noting that Trump never openly referenced abortion during the conversation. Nonetheless, the meaning seemed obvious to many listeners.


Its worth noting that Donald has taken a strong public position against abortion. He once spoke at the March for Life, a large anti-abortion event, via video connection. During this lecture, he criticized the US abortion laws as being overly lenient. "As you all know, Roe v. Wade has resulted in some of the most permissive abortion laws anywhere in the world," Trump stated during his address. He went on to pledge that his administration would always defend the "right to life," as per The New Zealand Herald


The apparent contrast between his previous statements and current posture did not go unnoticed by anyone The online world was buzzing with reactions. Many people pointed out what they viewed as hypocrisy. One Twitter user asked, "Don't you remember how DJT joked on Howard Stern about wanting Marla Maples to have an abortion when she was pregnant with Tiffany? Pro-life my rear end. What a hypocrite!"


Trump has previously acknowledged his evolving views on abortion. He identified himself as 'very pro-choice' in 1999, despite the fact that he 'hated the concept of abortion.' In 2016, during his presidential campaign, Trump stated that his position had 'evolved.' He began portraying himself as 'pro-life with exceptions,' such as cases of rape or incest, according to The Daily Mail.


This alteration instance is not unusual among politicians. After all, political views can vary with time. Many observers, however, have taken note of Donald's personal remarks about his daughter. Up until now, Tiffany has not publicly commented on her father's remarks. The 30-year-old has maintained a lower profile than her older siblings. She is fully focused on her legal career.

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